Lunes, Agosto 13, 2012



A.     Summary
The exclusive right to produce or reproduce, to perform in public, or to publish an original literary or artistic work.
Educators Guidelines
·         Producing educational multimedia projects to support their teaching needs
·         They may retain their projects indefinitely
·         May use their projects of teaching for the period of up to two years the first instructional use with the class
Students Guidelines
·         Perform and display their own projects in the course for which they were created
·         Retain in their own portfolios as example of their academic work for later personal uses such a job and school interviews
Motion Multimedia
·         Up to 10 % or 3 minutes, whichever is less, of a  single copyrighted motion media works
Text Material
·         Up to 10 % or 1000 words, whichever is less, of a single copyrighted word or text
Music, Lyrics, and Music Video
·         Up to 10 %
·         But no more than 30 seconds of music and lyrics from single musical work

B.     Reflection 
If copyright law is implemented in the Philippines, I’m sure that a lot of students and even professional will imprison. We have a lot of cases like this in our country, most specially in the public schools. We cannot avoid photocopying because of the fact that books are expensive and we cannot afford to buy one. Im sure also that even teacher doesn’t want to do this but because of the sad reality we are force to do this.
As student of state university and poor students, I cannot afford to buy books for my own use even if I want to. Instead of buying book I just photocopy the page of the book which will supply facts to my reports and give answer to my assignment. These are sad reality that we cannot avoid. At least, now we have this fair use, which exempt us in some law of copyright, but still even the fair us can be violated some students and teachers because of the fact that we don’t have money to buy books.



A.     Summary
The internet is a tool that offers a worldwide network of information which can be assessed trough computer. Individual search engines will compile their own searchable database while metasearch engine is gate way to database from multiple search engines. The web is basically a common information space where people can communicate by sharing information.
Basic tips for searching:
·         Be specific
·         Get more results by being general
·         Define your search terms using Boolean operators (and, or, and not)
Evaluating Internet Resources
·         Accuracy
·         Authority
·         Currency
·         Purpose
·         Uniqueness
·         Ease of use
It is important that you give credit to the person or organization that wrote the information or created the document. Using someone else’s words or ideas and representing them as your own is called plagiarism.
B.     Reflection
In searching the internet, some students or even professionals do not know yet the proper searching the internet. Sometimes as long as the answer appear in the screen it is already the right one, without knowing or investigating if the source can be trusted. Sometimes we address the question in a long sentence that is why sometimes we cannot find the right answer and sometimes will just waste our time.
But knowing the proper searching the web, this will help in our future research and searching for assignment. This would be also helpful to our students someday. By knowing this, this will prevent us from wasting our time searching for the answers.



A.     Summary
In this lesson, we shall discuss four types of IT-based projects which can effectively be used in order to engage students in activities of higher plane of thinking. Now, let us see four IT-based projects conducive to develop higher thinking skills and creativity among learners:
1.      Resource-based Projects
In this project, the teacher steps out of the traditional role of being an content expert and informational provider, and instead let students find their own facts and information’s. Only when necessary for the active learning process does the teacher step in to supply data or information. The general flow of events in resource-based projects.
2.      Simple Creation
Students can also be assign to create their software materials to supplement the need for relevant and effective materials. Of course, there are available software such as Creative writer on writing, paint on drawing and mediawave n multimedia.
3.      Hypermedia Projects
The production of self- made multimedia projects can b approached in two different ways.
·         As an instructive tool
·         As a communication tool
4.      Web-based Projects
Students can be made to create and post webpages on a given topic. But creating webpages, even single page webpages, may be too sophisticated and tie consuming for the the average students.

B.     Reflection
As part of accepting technology in the education system, teachers are now allowed to give projects which is IT based. Yes this maybe time consuming but the learning of the students will the most important factor.
Teacher might give students a project to join the blogger, this will enhance their writing capability, students also will have the chance to give their opinion about the certain topics, this will give them chance to recognize in the social networking and opportunity will come.
Teachers also can projects that and e-mail is involved, teacher might assign a certain topic and students will send it to e-mail address. This will be use whenever the teacher is not around. Teacher also can use the Microsoft word OR power point to present the students projects, or teacher can use the paint as the tools for making projects when drawing is involved. Technology has a lot to offer to the students and teachers, this maybe time consuming and expensive but the new learning that will enhance more the skills of the students are more important.



A.     Summary
The project method for higher learning outcomes consists in having the students work on projects with depth, complexity, duration and relevance to the real world. Improving on the Dewey project method, this new method involves students in the active creation of information, such that there is sustained reflective thinking on topics that have a real-world quality to them.
In this revised project method, there is a tighter link between the use of projects for simply coming up with products to having the students undergo the process of complex/higher thinking under the framework of the constructivist paradigm.
The process of the project implementations takes the students to steps, efforts, and experiences in project completion. Meanwhile, thus principle to be borne in mind is that, the process is mre important than the product.
B.     Reflection
Traditional classroom setting is viewed boring, when the teachers present their lesson in a manila paper or they would just write it in board or use books, and present the a small picture for the whole class. Which do not have a big impact to the students, some of the students find the discussion boring. Traditional teachers, use chalkboard, books, manila paper, photos, and videotapes to present their lessons. On the other side this also achieves to give a student’s good presentation of lesson.
Presenting our lesson in that way in today’s learner, this might only create big problem. We are now challenge by our 21st century learner. Today learner will not only sit down and listen, students are now expected to be not only cognitive, but also flexible, analytical and creative.
 And as a teacher of the 21st century learner we are task only to facilitate them and let them decide for their own style of project. In that way, students will learn more, they could also internalize the activity that they are doing. Student are the one responsible for their project and teacher will only facilitate and not to provide them with ideas.



A.     Summary
It is most helpful to see useful models of school learning that is ideal to achieving instructional goals through preferred application of educational technology. These are the new conceptual models of learning;
            Meaningful Learning
In the learning process, the learner is encouraged to recognized relevant personal experiences. A reward structure is set so that the learner will have both interest and confidence, and this incentive system sets a positive environment to learning. Facts that are subsequently assimilated are subjected to the learner’s understanding and application. In the classroom, hands-on activities are introduced so as to stimulate learning in everyday living.
Discovery Learning
Discovery learning is differentiated from reception learning in which ideas are presented directly to students in a well-organized way, such as through a detailed set of instructions to complete an experiments or task. To make contrast, in discovery learning students perform task to uncover what is to be learned. New ideas and new decisions are generated in the learning process, regardless of the need to move on and depart from organized setoff activities previously set. In discovery learning, it is important that the students become personally engaged and not subjected by the teacher to procedures he/she is not allowed to depart.
Generative Learning
It is viewed as different from the simple process of storing information. Motivation and responsibility are seen to be crucial to this domain of learning. The area of language comprehension offers examples of this type of generative learning activities, such as in writing paragraph summaries, developing answers and questions, drawing picture, creating paragraph titles, organizing ideas/concepts, and other. In sum, generative learning gives emphasis to what can be done with pieces of information, not only on access to them.
In constructivism the learner builds a personal understanding through appropriate learning activities and a good learning environment. The most accepted principles constructivism’s are:
·         Learning consists in what a person can actively assemble for himself and not what can receive passively.
·         The role of learning is to help the individual live/adapt to personal world.

B.     Reflection
Traditional classroom scenario, picture out a room that all the discussion are assigned to the teachers, students are just allowed to sit down and listen very carefully. Students also, depend to their teachers when it comes to decisions making, and teachers also will not allowed their students to make decisions without their consultations.
But in today’s world, everything is changing so fast that technology is now part of the education process. Students also integrate technology in their studies. We are now referring to the21st century learner, a learner that wants to be involved and engaged in every learning activity. This kind of learner we have today is very curios and to solve things own their own. Of course as a teacher we are obliged to make sure that every activity students a can really learn.
So the question is what is now the role of the teachers? Well, teachers are just facilitator of the class that let their student’s discovery every learning objectives that is assign to every activity.  Of course teachers should also discuss to some things that students cannot understand. Teacher must train their students to solve problem by their own, but provided that the teachers should facilitate every activies.



A.     Summary
Looking through progressive state policies that support technology-in-education, and other new developments in pedagogical practice, our educators today have become more aware and active in adopting state-of-the-art educational technology practices they can possibly adopt.
Recent changes have also occurred in the area of pedagogical theory and is now accepted that the contribution of the computer to pedagogy makes up for “good instruction.” Owning to the development, teachers must therefore acquire or improve on their computer skills, as well as their “computers-in-the classroom” skills. The following trends should also be recognized by educators.
·         Through school or training center computer courses, present-day students have become computer literate. They send e-mail, prepare computer encoded class reports, even make a power point presentation sometimes to the surprise of their media tradition-bounded teachers.
·         Following the call for developing critical thinking among students, teachers have deemphasized rote learning and have spent more time in methods to allow students to comprehend/ internalize lessons.
·         Shifting focus from lower-level traditional learning outcomes, student’s assessment/examinations have included measurements of higher level learning outcomes such as creative and critical thinking skills.
·         Recent teaching-learning models have paved the way for instructional approaches in which students rely less on teachers as information-givers, and instead more on their efforts to acquire information, build their own knowledge, and solved problems.
B.     Reflection
Some teachers nowadays are still having a hard time understanding why technology should be integrated in the teaching-learning process. But some of the teachers who are enrolled in educational technology subject and who are under the training of ICT, can now understand why we need to integrate technology in teaching-learning process.
Some of the teacher believe that, integrating technology in teaching-learning process is just time consuming and expensive, they also fear the idea that computer might replace in the future. Especially now that technology is already a part of the 21st century learner.
As teacher we should be open minded to the idea that technology is now important to educational system most specially that we are now dealing a 21st century learner. And since we cannot avoid the integration of technology in instruction, we should embrace and include this in our classroom pedagogy.



A.     Summary
There is a lingering issue on how educational technology is integrated in the teaching learning process. This is due to the fact that the mere use of the computer does not mean technology has already been integrated in instruction. For example, computer games may not relate at all to education, much less to classroom instruction.
If one is looking for external manifestation of technology integration into instruction, here are some:
·         There’s a change in the way classes are traditionally conducted
·         The quality of instruction is improved to a higher level in such a way that could not have been achieved without educational technology
·         There is planning by the teacher on the process of determining how and when technology fits into the teaching-learning process
·         The teacher stets instructional strategies to address specific instructional issues/problems
·         The use of technology provides the opening of opportunities to respond to these instructional issues/problem
·         In sum, technology occupies a position in the instructional process

B.     Reflection
In integrating technology in the teaching-learning process, we should also think when and how we should use the instructional materials. We should also consider our viewer and we should also think if that instructional material fits for the audience.
We should also consider if the given activity can help the students to integrate. By this we can achieve an interactive class. Just like planning the lesson plan, we should also prepare and plan our instructional materials to be presented in the class to achieve a successful teaching-learning process. This will also, activate the minds of the students.



A.     Summary
To provide confidence to educators that they are taking the right steps in adopting technology in education, it is good to know that during the last few years, progressive countries in the Asian Pacific region have formulated state policies and strategies to infuse technology In school. The reason for thus move is not difficult to understand since there is now a pervasive awareness that nation’s socio-economic success in the 21st century is linked to how well it can complete in a global Information and Communication technology (ICT) region. This imperative among nations has therefore given tremendous responsibilities on educators to create an educational technology environment in schools. And since it is understood that the state policies will continue to change, it is helpful to examine prevailing ICT policies and strategies of five progressive states/city, namely; New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
New Zealand
The government with the education and technology sectors, community groups, and industry envisions supporting to the development of the capability of schools to use information and communication technologies in the teaching and learning and in administration. Their strategy is to improve learning outcomes for students using ICT to support the curriculum. And they focus in infrastructure for increasing schools access to ICTs to enhance education.
In the Adelaide declaration and national goals for goals for schools, information technology is one of the eight national goals/learning areas students should achieve. Students should be confident, creative and productive users of new technologies, particularly ICTs, and understand the impact of these technologies on society. The plans for achieving the national goal for IT are left to individual states and territories with Educational Network Australia (EdNa) as the coordinating and advisory body.
Technology plays many roles in Smart school from facilitating teaching-and-learning activities to assisting with school management. Fully equipping a school includes; classrooms with multimedia, presentation facilities, e-mail, and groupware for collaborative work, and library media center with database for multimedia courseware and network access to internet.
The master plan has four key dimensions;
1.      curriculum and assessment
2.      learning resources
3.      teaching development
4.      physical and technological infrastructure
Hong Kong
Government raises the quality of school education by promoting the use of IT in teaching and learning. The IT initiatives are; on average, 40 computers for each primary school and 82 computers for each secondary school, and about 85,000 IT training places for each teacher at four levels.
B.     Experience
In the above summary, we really can tell that technology has already penetrated the education system. It really improved the teaching-learning process of the five developing countries. Here in the Philippines, public schools lack of proper facilities in integrating technology in the teaching-learning process, even private schools do not have that proper technology just like the five countries above.
As a product of a public school, I can really testify that Philippines are really far behind compared to the other countries. Government has allotted big budget for the Department of Education but despite of the big budget, still, public schools do not have that proper facilities. Yes, some public schools has the computer laboratory and with a few units of computers, where user and computer has ration of 5:1. This is a sad reality that is experiencing in most public schools in the Philippines.
C.     Reflection
As stated in the summary above, government is really supporting each school to really pursue, the integration of technology in Education system. They really are the one who wants to improve their education system, which is a big help to the students. For this will really give them a proper training.
In the Philippines, this is the problem because we lack the support from our government which is the one who can really help us in achieving this kind of improvements. We are really far behind when we talk about technology, most specially in the public schools; students don’t know how to manipulate computers. Some of them, instead of using the computer as educational resources, this is use in a way that students will lost in their attention to learning. Some of them use the technology as their past time by playing in the computer instead of researching their assignment.
This is the reason why some of the teachers who are not enrolled in educational technology subject, do not allowed the school to integrate technology in the teaching-learning process, because this they understand. Other reason also is that, they are afraid that computers might replace teachers in the future.
D.     Application
Our government should adapt that idea that we need to improve our educational system here in the Philippines. Teachers also should need to be open minded in accepting that technology will really improve our education system, to achieve the successful teaching-learning process.



A.     Summary
Educational Technology 2 is conserved with “integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning”. Specifically this is focused on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending the knowledge and skills to learners so that they can become exemplary users of educational technology. Necessarily, Educational Technology 2 will involve a deeper understanding of the computer as well as hands- on application of the computer skills.
In essence, the curse aims to infuse technology in the student-teachers training, helping them to adapt and meet rapid and continuing technological changes, particularly in the thriving global information and communication technology (ICT) environment.
More specifically, the course objectives are:
·         To provide education in the use of technology n instruction by providing knowledge and skills on technology integration-in-instruction to learners
·         To impart learning experiences in instructional technology supported instructional planning
·         To acquaint students on information technology or IT-related learning theories with the computer as a tutor
·         To learn to use and evaluate computer-based educational resources
·          To engage learners on practical technology integration issues including managing IT classrooms, use of the internet for learning, cooperative learning through the use of information technology
·         To in calculate higher-level thinking and creativity among students while providing them knowledge of IT- related learning theories

B.     Experience
In educational technology, it introduces a lot, like the web- projects and resources. It gives another exiting learning for the students; in here it gives opportunity for the students to explore the internet and how to properly use it, most specially in doing research. In ET2 also introduce the online messaging which is the use of e-mail, and introduce a web-project like joining the blog.
C.     Reflection
In educational technology 2, it introduces a lot of project that could really enhance the things that we learned from educational technology 1. It helps use explore the internet, and to properly use the net which very useful for our research in the future. This learning will help us on the future during our teaching.
In learning these new experiences, this will not only help in our teaching in the future but also in other work relating to technology. Actually, if you are computer literate this will be a big advantage when apply in the future, because of the fact that our future will be already run by the technology, and students are also very literate in using the computers.
Learning these new experiences will help us in our future teaching, to achieve a successful teaching-learning process. This will give us better presentations of our lesson that will give us more interactive class.
D.     Application
If everyone will be interested in learning about technology, they realize that technology is a very helpful tool in achieving a successful teaching-learning process. We also give a good discussion to our students and we also present our lesson very well where all our students will very interactive because of the exiting experience that a technology can offer to the teaching- learning process.



A.     Summary
The Educational Technology 1 course has truly paved the way for the learner to become aware, appreciative and equipped to use Educational Technology tools ranging from traditional to modern Educational media.
The application of educational technology to instruction has showed the four phases of application of educational technology in teaching and learning process, namely; setting of learning objectives, designing specific learning experiences, evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences and learning objective, and revision as needed of the whole teaching- learning process, or elements of it, for further improving future instructional activities.
In sum Educational Technology 1 served:
·         To orient the learner to the pervasiveness of educational technology in the society
·         To lend familiarization on how educational technology can be utilized as media for the avenues teaching-learning process in the school
·         To uplift the learner to human learning through the use of learning technology
·         To impart skills in planning, designing, using and evaluating the technology-enriched teaching-learning process
·         To acquaint learners on the basic aspects of community education, functions of the school media center, and finally
·         To introduce the learner to what is recognized as the third revolution in education, the computer
B.     Experiences
Technology now is considered to be as the third revolution in education. So, students and teacher are required to be involved in learning this. As students in education technology 1 before, I realize that, integrating technology in the teaching-learning processes much better than the traditional way of presenting our lesson. Integrating technology in our lesson will give better and interactive discussion than having it in a traditional way. This will awaken the minds of the students because this experience is something new to them. As a future teacher also, I’m very excited to present this to my students.

C.     Reflection
Technology now has a greater and big help in our society. Nowadays, works and other things can now be run by technology, with the help of this, it will make the work easier and faster. But we cannot deny the fact that our country is far behind from other country. Technology makes also a division in the developing country and slow developing country. If we talk about technology that was integrated in the teaching- learning process I can say that Philippines is really far behind.
Yes we have a lot of students that are willing to learn and teachers that are willing also to teach, but we cannot deny the fact that we lack the facilities. Sad to say but Philippines main problem is that with the problem of technology, we are really far behind compare to the other country.
Technology is very useful to the society, it is just easy to learn how to manipulate it, but we lack the facilities, yes we have donations from the private sectors but its not enough, some of the computers in the laboratory are not allowed to be used in the school. But if we are going to use the ration of the user will be 5:1, and it’s really frustrating.
If we can really educate people about the technology, and if we have complete facilities, this will really help us not just in the office or in public works but also in school, which can help improved the teaching-learning process of every school.

D.     Application
If we have a students who are willing to learn and teachers who are willing to teach, then its about time that our government should something.  The government should put a lot of computers in public schools. And admistrators also should be open to the fact that teacher and learner should be thought about technology for this will help us achieve a successful teaching-learning process. Teacher should not be afraid to be replace by the computers, because humans are still higher than any technology and humans are still much intelligent that technology.